Monday, June 16, 2008

Where have I been?

Sewing like mad for Craftaluma! I'll be there, sharing a table with Unpaper. I'll have lots of Plain Jane dolls, plushrooms, pocket gnomes, mini matroyshkas, and UNDIES! I'm soooooooo excited to do my first craft fair.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Happy Birthday USA

The Artiste stocking theme for June 5th is "Happy Birthday USA". I am not too keen on patriotic colors/motifs, so I went with the Happy Birthday part. I intended to do a pair of cupcake twins and two sets of birthday crowns (one boyish and one more girly), but with family visiting and my other cart(s) stocking last week, I just didn't get to it all! So one Plain Jane and one birthday crown set. This Plain Jane was the most ill-fated project; I think everything that could go wrong, did. I remade her legs three times! But in the end I think she turned out very sweet.

Stocking June 5th at Artiste.


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